Sunday, August 2, 2015

Better late than never!! Here's the story of how Sawyer Quinn Doerzman came into the world.

We got to the hospital at 8:30pm, and had Sawyer at 11:15, so it was fast! Hillary started contractions at about 1pm that afternoon, and they were fairly level and not too bad until about 7pm. Doc said to come on in then.

8:15pm, and time to head to the hospital!

We got into one of the triage rooms at about 8:50, after checking in up front. She was 3cm at that point. They hooked Hillary up to all the monitors, and left us there for about an hour and a half. At that point, her contractions were getting more frequent of course, and she had a few "back" contractions that really hurt. Next time the nurse came in, she was already at 6cm!!! Nurses couldn’t believe it! :)

It was right around that time that they decided she needed to be in a birthing room. Luckily Hillary was able to walk over between contractions, and we got settled in. I swear, it wasn’t more than five minutes later that Hill had some intense ones, and she blurted out that she really wanted to push now!! I called the nurses desk with that info, and you've never seen so many people converge on a room at once! All of a sudden five or six nurses showed up, and scrambled around getting everything ready! It was awesome to watch! The whole time, I was keeping an eye on the monitor screen they had set up, showing the rate and severity of the contractions, as well as Sawyer's heart rate. It was a little nerve wracking, since every time Hillary had a contraction, Sawyer's heart rate went way down. Luckily, Hillary couldn't see or hear that part! During the biggest contractions, his heart rate line looked like a seismograph on a large earthquake! Really made me nervous! She went through I'd say seven pushing sessions total, and Sawyer was born! Things went so fast, that the on call doctor only got there for the last five minutes of it all!

Sawyer's first picture, just six minutes old.

Ten toes, ten fingers, all the right parts! He wasn't as "messy" as I expected, but he looked quite purple, and his hands and feet were quite wrinkly, like a little old man! But boy, talk about long fingers, and big feet! Definitely takes after his dad!! The nurses placed him on Hillary’s stomach, and cleaned him up a little. I got to cut the cord, which after all the other stuff, didn’t faze me one bit!

Grandma Sue comes for a visit.

Proud parents!

Things happened so fast that we didn’t have any chances to call Hillary’s parents with updates. So, when I finally had a chance to call at about 11:45, her mom answered the phone and asked how things were going, and all I said was congratulations Grandma!!! They couldn’t believe it either!! They came down to visit at about 1AM for bit, and we finally got to “sleep” at about 3AM. Most incredible 7 hours of my life!!!!

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